Home of Deanitude Crafted Beer
Autonomous Society showcases local, independent craft brewers and is the home of Deantitude Crafted Beer. Set in a building built in 1940, Autonomous Society is located in the Cedars, just south of Downtown Dallas. The vibe is rustic and relaxed, featuring sports entertainment on television.
Our Foundation
Autonomous Society was founded in 2022, stemming from a home brewing operation that began in 1993. While in the US Army, founder Dean Weaver spent more than two years in Germany in the late ’80s enjoying beer the country had to offer. When he moved back to Texas, he renewed a gifted subscription to Beer Across America, a club that would send a six-pack from two different microbreweries every month. Soon after the renewal, he received a letter from the club stating it was illegal for them to ship beer into Texas, and the subscription was canceled. In a rebellious move, Dean purchased a homebrew kit, which started his journey into brewing.

Changing Attitudes
While working in the film production industry, Dean would often bring his homebrews to set for an independent feature film in Waxahachie, Texas to enjoy with colleagues at the end of the long, muddy days. Coming together to enjoy the brews lifted the crew’s spirits. One of the crew members said the brews changed their attitude, and it should be called Deanitude. Just like that … Deanitude was born, and would evolve into Deanitude Crafted Beer over the years.
Serious About Beer
Early in Dean’s membership with the North Texas Home Brewers Association, he became the Minister of Education, leading two Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) study groups. He attained his BJCP Certification and later achieved his Cicerone Certification.

The Crew
Dean teamed up with Wayne Yandell, fellow NTHBA member and owner of Bargain Fittings, and the two created the Big Rig Brew Crew to regularly brew on a larger scale. Through camaraderie and knowledge sharing, the Big Rig Brew Crew worked together to brew 45-gallon batches, which were divided up into 5-gallon shares for the Crew. The fellowship of the Big Rig Brew Crew reinforced Dean’s desire to open Autonomous Society and bring more people together through craft beer.